Ukraine has revised the final anti-dumping ruling on China hot rolled seamless steel pipe

On Sep 4th, 2020, the cross-department International Trade Commission of Ukraine issued a notice, which, in accordance with Commission resolution# 460/2020/4411-03 on Sep 2nd, 2020, amended Resolution# 444/2020/4411-03 on 22th May 2020 against anti dumping of hot-rolled seamless steel tubes from China (Ukrainian:сталевих безшовних гаряче-деформованих труб) , the final anti-dumping ruling is determined: no anti dumping duties will be imposed on manufacturers/exporters in China who reach price commitment within 3 years since 2020 May 22(effective date of 444-03/2020/4411 resolution ).

Companies that have reached the price commitment include:

Tianjin Pipe Manufacturing Co., Ltd.,

Tianjin Pipe International Economic & Trading Corporation,

Tianjin Pipe Steel Trading Co., Ltd.Ltd., DP-Master Manufacturing Co., Ltd.,

Shanxi Fenglei Drilling Tools Co., Ltd., etc.

The present case relates to products under Ukrainian duty Numbers 7304 23 00, 7304 19, 7304 29, 7304 29 30 00, 7304 29 90 00, 7304 39, 7304 59.

Post time: Oct-12-2020